Fireside Pottery

I fell in love with clay when I was in my teens, thanks to my mother for whom pottery-making was both a passion and a profession. Clay has been my companion ever since. The relationship (between myself and the material) continues to be compelling, as there is always more to be explored.

In 1972 I moved to Temple, Maine where my partner and I became homesteaders, building our home from wood and stone off our land and living without plumbing or electricity. We set up my first studio and wood-fired kiln in those western Maine mountains. In 1983 I moved to the midcoast region and discovered porcelain, marking a major shift in my style. My proximity to the ocean brought new fluidity to my work. I now live on a blueberry barren in Warren, Maine, where I've built a home and studio.

I am primarily a hand builder, constructing pieces from textured slabs. I high-fire my porcelain and stoneware to cone 11 in a gas-fired reduction kiln. It is my hope that the pots I make find their way into homes where they will speak their quiet language, enhancing the rituals of daily life. 

Contact This Studio

(207) 701-7158

1478 Camden Rd Warren, ME